The Genomics Laboratory houses equipment that is available to IU scientists at little or no cost. Some equipment requires training for first-time users. Last updated 2018-09-14.
- Covaris S220 (single sample, bring your own Covaris microTubes)
- Covaris E220 (up to 96 samples)
Nucleic Acid Quantification and Quality Control
- Agilent 2200 TapeStation (nucleic acid quality check and quantification)
- ThermoFisher Qubit4 fluorometer (high sensitivity nucleic acid quantification)
- BioTek Epoch microplate spectrophotometer (microvolume spectrometer, coming in Aug. 2019)
- NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (microvolume spectrometer)
- Molecular Devices FilterMax f5 and Promega GloMax multi-mode microplate readers (absorbance, fluorescence, glow luminescence; programable endpoint, kinetics, multiple-wavelength scan)
PCR and real-time PCR
- PCR thermocyclers
- Stratagene Mx3000P Quantitative PCR Thermal Cycle
- Roche LightCycler 480 II real-time PCR system (both 96-well and 384-well plates)
- Beckman Coulter Allegra X-15R refrigerated tabletop centrifuge
- Eppendorf 5810R refrigerated tabletop centrifuge
- Eppendorf 5424 and 5804 microcentrifuges
- Eppendorf Vacufuge plus vacuumed centrifuge (can spin/dry microtiter plates and tubes)